Asbestos exposure can cause a variety of diseases. When you familiarize yourself with asbestos lung disease in Pittsburgh, PA, you can ensure you are knowledgeable about the signs and symptoms. Understanding what diseases exposure can cause will help you more appropriately form your case, should you want to file a lawsuit.
Below are some of the diseases caused by asbestos exposure.
Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer causes more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive system. Though research is still being conducted on how asbestos exposure causes ovarian cancer, current research theorizes that the fibers are transferred to the lymphatic system.
Laryngeal Cancer
Laryngeal cancer is sporadic and is often caused by a combination of smoking and alcohol abuse. However, it was revealed in 2006 that asbestos could also cause this form of cancer in the voice box. The asbestos fibers lodge themselves into the voice box as they pass to the lungs and will develop into cancer over time.
Asbestosis is a pulmonary disease that inhibits the health and function of the lungs. It develops once asbestos fibers accumulate through the lungs, causing scar tissue to form and harden. Breathing will become difficult and painful, and it progresses, and patients will often need oxygen tanks to help control the symptoms.