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When to Call a Lawyer for Mesothelioma

When you have mesothelioma in Pittsburgh, PA, you may have questions about your legal rights and options. Though the legal process can be intimidating, our team at , will help you navigate through your case. Hiring a lawyer is not required; however, it can be beneficial to understand the ins and outs of asbestos exposure and related diseases. The investigators…

Signs and Symptoms of Mesothelioma Cancer

Symptoms of mesothelioma cancer will rarely appear early-on, making it difficult to affect before the cancer cells have begun to do their damage. If you have been exposed to asbestos in your lifetime, it is essential to educate yourself on the signs and symptoms of mesothelioma in Pittsburgh, PA. The earlier you can catch this disease, the better chance you…

How is Mesothelioma Treated?

Finding out you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma cancer can be a disturbing event for your family. Your first thought is most likely on how this cancer is treated, or what to expect from your treatment options. Though these options are not considered a cure for the asbestos-related disease, if caught early enough, aggressive treatment can…

What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is asbestos-related cancer that forms on the protective tissues on the lungs, abdomen, and heart. Though the tumors can be benign, malignant mesothelioma can be life-threatening. This form of cancer develops when a person ingests asbestos, the cause of all cases. Once the asbestos fibers become lodged in the lining of the lungs, heart, or abdomen, they damage the…

