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Lawsuits For Pittsburgh Asbestos Exposure – U.S. Steel Job Sites

Producing steel is a difficult process that requires dangerous materials and equipment. Many workers are injured during metal production, but many more have been silently hurt by the presence of asbestos in the plants. There have been proven instances of asbestos exposure in several U.S. Steel job sites in Pittsburgh.

If you or a loved one worked at a U.S. Steel location and are experiencing symptoms of asbestos-related sickness, contact our asbestos lawyers at D’Amico Law Offices, LLC, today by calling 412-906-8180. Asbestos exposure lawsuits have limited filing deadlines, and you must act quickly.

What You Should Do If You Were Exposed To Asbestos On A U.S. Steel Job Site

Steelworkers often work for 30 to 40 years for the same company in the same location. That lengthy exposure time means that asbestos can build up in their bodies and the bodies of their families. The primary disease linked to asbestos is mesothelioma, and it often takes 20 to 50 years of exposure for this cancer to appear. As a result, many people may not associate cancer that they develop later in life with asbestos exposure they experienced at job sites earlier in their lives.

Our asbestos exposure attorneys at D’Amico Law Offices, LLC, have spent years investigating and researching claims to establish evidence for causation. They already have a significant amount of statistical data on asbestos at various job sites around Pittsburgh. Our team understands the data analysis and the methods needed to trace exposure to asbestos at your job site and will aggressively pursue litigation on your behalf. Contact us today at 412-906-8180 to schedule a consultation.

What Is U.S. Steel?

U.S. Steel began as a merger between Federal Steel Company and National Steel Company. In 1901, J.P. Morgan financed the merger. Over the next several years, U.S. Steel began to buy out its competitors around the country, leading to antitrust laws in an attempt to break up U.S. Steel’s monopoly on the steelmaking industry.

In the Pittsburgh area, the new U.S. Steel was formerly the old Carnegie Steel Company, which constructed the Homestead Works facility in the late 1800s. This mill operated constantly to dominate the industry and make Western Pennsylvania the onetime “Steel-Making Capital of the World.” Closed in 1986, this plant was responsible for much of the steel that went into the Empire State Building, which housed the U.S. Steel headquarters.

Throughout its history, U.S. Steel has been involved in numerous worker disputes and lawsuits as well as long-running conflicts with state and federal environmental regulations. Asbestos exposure claims are more recent but continue to mount against the company. D’Amico Law Offices offers skilled asbestos exposure attorneys to help you and your family seek justice and compensation to recover from the disease.

Who Owns U.S. Steel Now?

In 1986, U.S. Steel was renamed USX, and then was renamed again in 2001 as United States Steel. It is currently owned by its shareholders, and the current president and CEO is David Burritt.

Of the many sites where U.S. Steel operates in the Pittsburgh area, these are the places where asbestos exposure has already been proven:

  • Clairton
  • Duquesne Works in Duquesne (closed in 1984)
  • Edgar Thomson Steel Works in Braddock

Other locations could be at risk. U.S. Steel owns several mills in the Midwest, with as many seven plants operating at one time. Three of those have closed, and the four remaining plants (Fairless Works in Fairless Hills, Clairton Works, Edgar Thomson Plant and Irvin Plant in West Mifflin) comprise what is known as the Mon Valley Works. The other two closed locations are Homestead Works and McKeesport Tubular Operations.

Mon Valley Works has come under significant scrutiny recently due to ongoing issues at the Clairton Works location. In April 2021, U.S. Steel agreed to shut down three 70-year-old coke batteries that are among the worst air pollution sources in Allegheny County and canceled a $1.5 billion upgrade. This same location experienced a fire on Christmas Eve 2018 that destroyed its pollution controls, leaving the surrounding areas blanketed in thick, noxious smoke for three months.

It should be no surprise that these U.S. Steel sites are also known for exposing their employees to asbestos without proper abatement and protection measures. Our lawyers have spent many hours investigating unsafe conditions at these locations and developing strong cases for affected workers.

Finding the right asbestos exposure attorney who can successfully argue your lawsuit or claim against U.S. Steel in Pittsburgh does not have to be hard. D’Amico Law Offices provides lawyers with decades of experience handling the complexities of asbestos and mesothelioma cases.

What Damages Can You Seek In An Asbestos Exposure Lawsuit Against U.S. Steel?

Mesothelioma and other diseases of asbestos exposure can take a long time to develop, and this means that you may have years or decades’ worth of damages related to your claim. An experienced asbestos exposure lawsuit attorney can advise you on pursuing compensation. Such financial assistance could include costs such as:

  • Long-term and ongoing medical treatment
  • Hospitalization
  • Surgeries
  • Home medical equipment
  • Medications
  • Loss of future and current earnings
  • Loss of companionship for your family if you are disabled
  • Mental anguish
  • Pain and suffering, both physical and emotional

Mesothelioma affects the thin layer of tissue that lines nearly all the organs in the body. Inhaling or swallowing asbestos particles exposes the nose, throat, stomach and other parts of a person to this dangerous material.

Other diseases related to asbestos exposure on a job site are cancers of the lungs, esophagus, stomach and ovaries. While these may be caused by other factors, a skilled asbestos exposure attorney can evaluate your work history to determine if asbestos likely played a significant part in your illness and what damages to seek.

Finding An Experienced Asbestos Exposure Attorney For U.S. Steel Pittsburgh Job Sites?

Finding the right asbestos exposure attorney who can successfully argue your lawsuit or claim against U.S. Steel in Pittsburgh does not have to be hard. Our lawyers at D’Amico Law Offices provide decades of experience handling the complexities of asbestos and mesothelioma cases.

Our family-run law firm supplies a large professional legal team with an extensive database of resource material to fully develop your dispute. Contact us online or call 412-906-8180 today to schedule your consultation.

Pittsburgh U.S. Steel Asbestos Exposure FAQ

What if your asbestos exposure was due to your employer’s negligence?

Working with or near dangerous chemicals without proper safety equipment or cleanup leads to a risk of occupational exposure. In the case of asbestos, its widespread use in U.S. Steel sites and presence over decades means any employee was likely exposed to the material. Negligence by the company can cover improper asbestos removal, failure to remove asbestos, failure to warn employees of the presence of asbestos and insufficient safety equipment.

These factors and more can mean that U.S. Steel was negligent in its Pittsburgh-area job sites in preventing illness and deaths associated with asbestos exposure. Our attorneys at D’Amico Law Offices have many years of experience in litigating these cases and will provide aggressive negotiation with the goal of winning your case.

Does J.P. Morgan still own U.S. Steel?

No, although J.P. Morgan, who died in 1913, was the founder of the company that became the U.S. Steel of today, the company was publicly traded at its inception in 1901 and remains public to this day. It is owned by its shareholders and controlled by the board of directors.

How can an asbestos exposure lawyer help you with your lawsuit?

Our attorneys at D’Amico Law Offices have spent countless hours researching and investigating asbestos exposure claims in the Pittsburgh area. They can evaluate and build your case, combining your personal story with our large database of documentation on the cases they’ve litigated in the past. Our legal team can sort through all relevant sources of information, including:

  • Your relevant work history
  • Invoices from asbestos manufacturers
  • Building records for facilities and plants
  • Internal company memos from U.S. Steel revealing risk assessment for asbestos
  • Facility blueprints and diagrams
  • Medical literature related to your disease
  • Testimony from experts and other asbestos victims
  • Medical records

Our qualified asbestos exposure lawyers will provide broad services to build the strongest case possible. Large employers such as U.S. Steel are able to hire multiple lawyers to oppose litigation, so you must engage skilled attorneys to win the maximum compensation you deserve.

Our lawyers will evaluate your situation and work to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation for which you are eligible. Even when an illness may be covered by insurance, they will help you find all appropriate parties who may bear responsibility for your injuries or sickness.

Workers’ compensation payouts are often limited by state law, and your personal insurance may not cover everything. Filing a lawsuit against U.S. Steel for asbestos exposure on its job sites could help you recover the extensive costs of treating illness and injuries. In the worst cases, you may be able to file a wrongful death suit to recoup the expenses of losing a loved one.