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Car Accidents

What Are the Top 5 Causes of Car Accidents?

When obtaining a successful settlement or verdict, the cause of a car accident matters. By gathering evidence and showing proof of negligence, your attorney builds a strong case describing what you and your family are owed. After a car or auto accident, you may be facing extensive medical treatment and a long therapeutic return to independence. You may be laying…

Four Common Car Accident Injuries

While many car accidents result only in minor cuts and bruises, others can sometimes cause serious personal injuries. Because of physical forces, positioning, and other factors, some types of injuries occur more often than others. Understanding the symptoms of common car accident injuries can help you determine when to seek medical care after a collision. Soft Tissue Injuries These injuries…

Take These Five Steps Immediately After a Car Crash

Even after a minor car crash, drivers might feel dazed, shaken, or even in shock. However, taking the right measures to document the incident and seek medical attention is essential even in these hectic moments. These are the critical steps to take immediately when an auto accident occurs. Check for Injuries As soon as it’s safe to do so, drivers…

